Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Birth and First month...

Wow. My last post I was 36.5 weeks pregnant. Well, 2.5 weeks later our baby arrived! I made it past Thanksgiving and was absolutely certain that Genesis would come into the world past her due date. Hallelujah, I was wrong.

Here's the run down:
On November 27th, I had one of my weekly appointments with my OB. It was a standard visit, and everything looked good. I was very anxious to get the show on the road, so we ended up scheduling an induction for December 6th...Brent and I left the OB office very happy and excited that we had a for certain date of her arrival!
That same morning, we went on a 3 mile or so hike through the El Paso desert/hills...It was a beautiful day, and we had a great time walking around! Of course, I was as round as a basketball, so it was a little extra effort to keep up with Brent...haha.
We arrived home after doing some grocery shopping at Walmart, and proceeded to take it easy and rest. I called my mother, and told her about our scheduled induction so she and Todd could plan on arriving the day before.
Immediately after I hung up the phone my water broke. I knew without a doubt that I had NOT peed myself. Brent did the dishes and laundry while I showered and did my hair...Brent was amazing and got our hospital bag together and put the car-seat in the car. I called the hospital, and then we were on our way to have our baby!
The last baby bump picture- about 5 minutes before we headed to the hospital!

I was not having contractions at this point, and was barely 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. After about 7 hours, they decided to start labor contractions with an oral medication. My contractions were not terribly bad throughout the night, but I did not get any sleep because they were still uncomfortable and too frequent for rest. In the morning, I hadn't progressed much at all. I was on strict bed rest and was not allowed to get out of bed for any reason...which was pure torture! The baby was not engaged yet, and there was risk of a prolapsed cord (which is very dangerous for the baby). They started Pitocin at 0700, and my contractions became awful. Just awful. They were very close together, and I was not able to rest in between them. I wanted to see if I was progressing very much before I accepted the epidural, but at 1100 I was only 5cm. The contractions were excruciating, and the fact that I couldn't move out of bed made it worse- so the epidural was given! It was AMAZING. The best decision I made!!!! Thankfully, I only received a small dose so I could still feel the hard pressure of the contractions and could move my legs (though they felt very heavy). With this wonderful relief I was able to doze for the next couple hours. The OB came in to check my progress at 2:50, and he announced that I could have the baby now if I was ready to push! 20 minutes later, Genesis arrived screaming her tiny little lungs out for all she was worth :) She was active and alert, with APGARS of 7 and 10! She was doing very well, even though it had been a little over 24 hours since my water broke, and about 13 hours of active labor and strong contractions.

We were laughing and crying, and in such awe of our perfect little daughter. The Lord has blessed us so very much. Genesis Mae Turpin was born at 3:08pm, 7lbs 2oz, and 20 inches long! She has big, expressive eyes, and sweet, kissable cheeks.

Recovery was much easier than I thought it would be, and I was able to bounce back with no complications. Genesis on the other hand, had to be admitted to the Intermediate Care Nursery for two days because of at elevated white blood cell count (risk of sepsis). She was just fine though, and after her two (LONG) days in the hospital, was allowed to go home!

During this time my Dad and brother, TJ, had arrived, as well as my Mom and her husband, Todd. It was so good to see everyone! Brent and I had been updating my sister, Amanda, as much as possible throughout this whole process, so she was very much aware of Genesis' birth and all the happenings surrounding it.

Genesis is now four weeks old (WOW). She has grown so much and is eating like a pro! The first two weeks were very stressful, and there were definitely moments of crying and frustration...but thankfully, we are more scheduled and have figured out how to properly care for a newborn!
Brent has been my hero, and I am thankful for him- what a great Daddy he is!

Though Brent and I are often very tired at the end of the day, we wouldn't change a thing. We love our little girl so much; she has provided us with much laughter and joy!
At this point I can only dream of getting more than 3-4 hours of sleep at a time, have a thoroughly clean house, or have the opportunity to shower and look decent on a daily basis, but I know it will get better with time. I do not want to take this time for granted as she is still so small and cuddly :)

We had our first Christmas as a tiny family, and ended up staying home and enjoying each others company. It was a very quiet day, but restful. Genesis received lots of presents from her Grandparents on both sides- she is spoiled already!

Thank you all so much for your excitement with us as we welcome our daughter, Genny, into this big world. Please pray for us as we adjust to our new life with her, and that we would be parents of discernment and wisdom!

Love you all!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thirty-six and a half...

Well, we've almost made it! I write this at 36 and 1/2 weeks! Next week we'll be full term! It's been, what, four weeks since I've posted last? Yikes! Give me another 4 and maybe it'll be a "baby's here" post ;)
Excuse the tired look on my face...

So, what's been happening the last month? We have been very busy with work and various activities, I don't even know where to start! How about something baby related?

My good friend, Linzi, hosted a spectacular baby shower for me a couple weeks ago. The decorations were gorgeous, the food delicious, and the company of wonderful friends was amazing. She put so much work into it, and even gave me some beautiful handmade gifts. The other women there added to the day to make it extra special and one I will always remember :)
Linzi and I
The wonderful ladies from L to R: Cece, Linzi, Denise, Me, Erica, Stephanie, and Leeann, with Scarlett and baby Sean in front.

After the baby shower, we went to a pumpkin patch and corn maze with Linzi and her husband, Landon. Believe it or not, that was the first time I've ever been to either one! We came home with lots of pumpkins, which are currently decorating our front door and dining room table. Eventually we plan on carving one or a few and roasting the seeds. Oh, I love fall. 

It wasn't but a few days after the shower that I was given a surprise shower at work! They had told me to come in early for yearly evaluations...but when I arrived they had a room set up so cute for a shower- for Genesis and I! I was so surprised and blessed! Here are a few of the lovely ladies I work with who put it together: 

    Genesis has been growing by leaps and bounds the last few weeks! Her movements are a little more "focused" lately. She is quickly running out of room, so she has to stick her little knees and feet in any space she can find...meaning, my right side and ribs. She can no longer roll around very well, but I'm hoping that's a good thing- the only way to go now is down! Unfortunately, with a bigger baby comes a bigger belly...comes back aches. I hope she moves down soon! Insomnia has also been really bad recently. 3 hours a night just isn't cutting it. But I suppose if those are the only two things I can complain about, I'm doing pretty good! We are almost through!

   I wish I could show you all everything in Genny's wardrobe. We have some adorable little outfits thanks to the showers, my sister, Gramma Schweim, various friends and family, and our own purchases :) However, you can plan on seeing lots of pictures after she comes!

   I start my maternity leave in two weeks (7 shifts!), and I couldn't be more excited! I plan on getting my "nesting" on in full force and finish everything left for the baby.

   Question Time:

Best thing about being pregnant?
   Ummm....knowing that it's almost done, does that count? No, I think the best thing right now is having something so great to look forward too. I greatly enjoy reading birth stories, looking at baby pictures, dreaming about what Genesis will look like, and spending time in her nursery, thinking and planning. 
   Also, the best thing is knowing I have such a wonderful husband who loves to plan and dream about the baby just as much as I do :) 
Worst thing?
   I mentioned this above, but right now it's the insomnia and back aches. I hope this is just a phase for this week?
   I've been quite consistent this pregnancy and absolutely adore fruit. My favorite thing is making a fruit salad, with pineapple, apples, strawberries, and grapes. SO good. 
Baby bump?
  No mistaking! It is measuring perfectly, but because it is so big I had a hard time with my range of motion. bending down or getting up from a low seat? It's harder than I thought! Putting pants on is becoming more of a struggle...
What do you miss?
   My clothes. I'm a lot more limited now! I miss feeling like I can move without hindrance. Oh to run, leap, or throw myself on the couch/bed! 
What are you looking forward too?
   The next couple weeks, when Genny could come any time! I am also looking forward to Thanksgiving. It will be Brent and I's second Thanksgiving together, and the last one as just the two of us. 

   Until next time!

Monday, October 8, 2012

32 Weeks: Decisions, Decisions...

Every time a week goes by and the end of pregnancy comes near...I have miniature freak-out moments. I don't want time slow down but I'm being reminded constantly that soon our lives will change drastically!
It will all start with labor and birth of Genesis Turpin, or sweet baby girl.

Labor and birth? No, thanks! I'll just skip it this time around. Just hand me my baby please, all clean and swaddled, on my due date, with a cake and champagne for all.


Going into labor and delivering a baby has always filled me with a bit of anxiety and trepidation. I'm one of those people who get nervous about an event and get cold-feet right before it happens...If you could hear what is going on in my mind, it would be something like this: "I don't want to do this. Make it stop. I regret everything leading up to this. Can I get out of this? What would I have to do to? Make it stop. Oh, please. Oh, please."

That is pretty much how I see the birth process going for me. Sure, I know how to keep a straight-faced exterior, calm, and collected...but inside I'm FREAKING out, wishing I were somewhere or someone else at the moment.

Because I realize getting cold-feet is inevitable, and that giving birth is also inevitable (no turning back now!), I've put forth the effort to educate myself and research birthing methods. Boy, talk about a different world. No longer is pregnancy necessarily about the baby anymore, but it is now become about the birth. Will you have a natural or medicated birth? Hospital, birthing center, or at home? Doula, midwife, or OB? C-section, induction, or strictly "natural"?
Birth plans are becoming extremely popular nowadays, some being basic and to-the-point, some being extensive 4-page "to-do" lists.
Something interesting I've come across in my research is the overwhelming differences of opinion between the up-and-coming Natural Birth Movement and the more common Hospital births.

Pretty much (and this is my opinion and how it translated to me) each sides opinion is as follows:

Natural Birth Movement will tell you: Hospitals are only there to take your money, the staff does not care about you nor your baby- let alone the delivery process, they will medicate you (and therefore your baby) to the point you are unable to adequately bond with your baby, will make it difficult for you to breastfeed, and will push for inductions/C-sections on everyone who walks in the L&D floor.


Hospital will tell you: Home-births are a place of danger, mid-wives may or may not actually know what they are doing in case of medical emergency, they have certain protocols that are set in place for labor and delivery (depending on which hospital), they will encourage certain medications (because of lawsuits in the past), and you may have a different Doctor delivering your child other than the one you've been seeing the last 9 months.

It is up to the Mom and Dad to decide which side they believe more.

I've found so many studies and research articles, namely on medicated versus unmedicated births and natural versus induction, but have come up with a conclusion: You can find studies that agree or encourage either side. Seriously. If you are determined that epidurals cause a difficult labor that ultimately leads to a greater risk for C-section, you will find a study supporting your view. However, if you look for research that negates that fact and even goes so far as to say that further interventions are actually dependent on factors surrounding labor (i.e. length, duration/strength of contractions, ability of mother, etc) and not medications, you will find those too.

So, what am I to think?
It is all personal preference.

Perhaps this view will change in future pregnancies, but for now, it is what I am sticking too.

This is my first experience with pregnancy, labor, giving birth, and having a baby. So you know what I want to do? Make the process something that I will look back on with fond memories. No regrets about potentially not being able to have an unmedicated birth like I want (the baby doesn't care anyway and will not remember).

Therefore, I'm not writing a detailed birth plan. Sure, I will have a few things that I would specifically request, but I'd rather not go over-board and be disappointed about any deviations from my "list".

-If I think the pain is something I do not want to bear (I've never been in a lot of pain, so my threshold is unknown at this time...), I will ask for an epidural (you can usually ask for a low dose, by the way...).
-I would actually prefer that little baby Genny be cleaned off before I attempt to breastfeed. Sorry, sweet girl, you will be covered in goop and gore- and that gives me the creeps.

That's about all I've come up with as far as specific requests for labor and delivery. I've done plenty of research, so I'm not flying blind. I understand risks and complications. I understand patient rights. I feel comfortable in a hospital and understand how it functions.
In my mind, it doesn't really matter how she is born because SHE WILL BE BORN!!!!!! That, my friends and family, is what this whole process is all about. Not that you had a c-section or vaginal birth, not that you gave birth at a hospital or at home. The baby really won't care.

Lets just get there and get it done. In about 8 weeks, I will inform you how delivery actually went. But, whatever happens, I know it will be one of the greatest memories Brent and I will ever have. I can't WAIT to see our baby! 

How is little Genny doing?

She probably weighs about 3 lbs, and is between 16-19 inches. She is running out of room in my belly, and from what I can tell, is now head down (for the most part). Every now and then, Brent and I can feel her outline...from her butt to her head. She hiccups almost daily, and they last for a few minutes each time. Her favorite side to lay on has been the right side- Not sure why, but that is where we've found/felt her mainly!

Changing table/organizer. The middle shelf is her cloth diapers and inserts. The curtains are one of my favorite parts of the room- so bright and cheery! None of these pictures do the nursery justice really, it is a very sun-shiny, happy place. Which was our intention :)
Genesis' room. My favorite place. It may be small, but it's sweet and cozy! The chair is to die-for comfortable...

Her nursery is complete, besides the little things that all babies need (more clothes, blankets, bathing stuff, etc)...but my friend, Linzi, is hosting a baby shower for me in two weeks and what we don't receive we will buy as soon as we can. I love being prepared :)

Best thing about being pregnant? It is almost done! Haha!

Worst thing? I'm still pregnant. My belly is getting huge, I get short of breath when I'm sitting down or lying in bed, and it takes foreeeeeever to fall asleep.

Cravings? Everything, but I still adore fruit. Nectarines and apples! YES!

Baby Bump? Measuring right on track, according to my OB.

What do you miss? The other night I had a dream about going for a run along a paved road, surrounded by trees. It was absolutely glorious. I see runners at the park every time I go in to work, and I am filled with longing. They look so free and weightless! So at ease!

What are you looking forward too? Going on leave from work. Hopefully, November 23rd will be my first day off to start maternity leave. Cutting it pretty close, but it fills me with joy to think of being off work to prepare for baby :)
Oh, and my baby shower! First one EVER!

Brent and I made these this past week. Pretty nifty. And with that, I'll leave you until next time!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Third and last!

28 weeks today: welcome to the last trimester!

Brent and I went on a hike up the mountain today and took advantage of the awesome scenery to snap a few photos of us. I had not been hiking since the spring-time, but did better than I thought I would! Needless to say, I was all tuckered out when we got home :)

This past week has been rather stressful, because my sweet Sheltie, Lew, developed Congestive Heart Failure suddenly and needed to have his lungs drained so he wouldn't essentially "drown" himself. It was so sad and devastating. We decided to forgo bringing him home on medications, which would only extend his life another 6 months in the best-case scenario. I am giving him lots of hugs and kisses in this short time he has with us. I've been trying to get him to eat, and have offered a variety of yummy foods, but at this time he is just unable to for some reason. Poor boy.

He looks just pitiful in this photo. He had an IV placed, and was shaved on both sides so they could drain each lung. 

In other news at the Turpin house-hold, we are gearing up for Fall (yay, Starbucks Pumpkin Latte's!) and I've continued to be domestic as far as sewing and crafting for baby and our house! We planted pumpkins in our little garden this year and they are growing SO big! Hopefully, they will pollinate together and we will have lots of big, orange pumpkins to cook, can, and decorate with. 

We have been trying to read more as well, and I just recently bought a few books that interested me and may come in handy when December rolls around. 
I will be trying to make an attempt at breastfeeding, so I bought "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding". They tend to be one-sided and definitely don't cater to women who want to go back to work and still breastfeed, but the information is thorough and helpful.
The second book, "Heading Home with Your Newborn" is filled with fairly basic information and most of it I was aware of, but I really like how this book lays everything out there. I have enjoyed reading it, even as a reassurance of the information I already know. It also helps put the reality of having a newborn into perspective. Definitely a book I would recommend!

<--- Here we are at 28 weeks into the pregnancy! Not much has changed since my last post at 25 1/2 weeks, except perhaps a bigger belly. I've been able to sleep on my belly and back this whole time without discomfort, and it is only just now becoming slightly uncomfortable to be on my stomach. Which is sad, because I'm a stomach-sleeper. Sigh.

I had the glucose (gestational diabetes) test about 2 weeks ago. For the test, I had to drink a highly-concentrated Lemon-Lime "soda" minus the carbonation.

Here's the run-down:
-Get blood drawn and finger poked to check fasting blood sugar.
-Drink the sugar stuff in 5 minutes flat.
-Go wait in the waiting room that only plays Spanish soap opera's.
-Waiting for an hour under strict rules not to eat, chew gum, drink, sleep, or go anywhere.
-Get blood drawn again after the hour is up.
-Go wait another hour under the same rules.
-Get blood drawn for the last time after the second hour is up.
-Leave with a horrible thirst and desire to brush your teeth.

Here's to hoping I passed! They haven't called me, so no news is good news, right?

Genesis is still as active as ever and sometimes freaks me out when she does a particularly big "shift" or "punch". Honestly, sometimes I forget I am pregnant, then she moves and I'm like...whoa. That was weird. Haha!

Brent and I are counting down the weeks/days until she is here (approximate of course, since we don't really know)! I can honestly say though, that I DO NOT want to go past 41 weeks. If we get even close to 41, I will be begging for an induction. So many people say that "the baby will comes when it wants", and while that is true for the most part, I've seen too many late-term baby's in the NICU because of swallowing meconium. Also, labor becomes harder (hello, bigger baby), and I'm pretty sure no woman is ever feeling her best being late-term. Nooooo thank-you! :)

So, here's the stats:

Genesis is about the size of an Eggplant, and weighs around 2.5 lbs. From here on out, she will be gaining weight and hopefully growing some chubby baby cheeks and thighs on her little body :) She is fully developed by now and if born, would most likely survive with minimal to no assistance breathing!


Best thing about being pregnant? People are now starting to recognize that I am pregnant, and not just "fat"! I love it when someone doesn't even have to ask but just knows that I am, in fact, carrying a baby. Finally!

Worst thing? I'm hungry all the time, but never know what I want. However, I suppose if that's the worst thing, then I'm doing pretty well right now! Oh, I suppose the worst thing at this point is knowing that we have come so far but have so far to go...12 weeks? Aw, man.

Cravings? None. See above.

Baby Bump? Bigger every week! Still lacking the cute basketball belly, but I think I've come to terms that it's not happening this time around. Or ever. Not the way my body was made to carry a baby, I suppose!

What do you miss? Clothes that are not tight or constricting. Hands and feet that don't swell easily. I miss not being pregnant (not complaining, just being honest here).

What are you looking forward to? Well, besides stating the obvious, I am looking forward to having a baby shower! And Holidays! Cool weather! Rain! Decreasing my hours at work!
Aaaaah....Fall will be so great this year.

Let me leave you with a cute baby outfit. We picked this particular one for Genny's first trip- HOME!!!! She will be our little polar bear. It is so soft and fuzzy, with adorable little ears on top. We got the newborn size, which just adds to the cute factor. Next time you see this outfit, our little girl will be in it!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Genesis: "First-starter; Beginning; Birth".

We would like to announce the name of our first child, Genesis Turpin.

We decided against keeping it a secret until birth, and it has been so fun talking to and about her by name! We have yet to come up with a middle name that fits perfectly, but we have plenty of time to decide :)

These past couple weeks have gone by in a blur. Has it really been almost 4 weeks since I've posted last? Wow! I honestly don't know what we have filled our time with. Brent was Best Man in his college roommate's wedding in St. Louis, and I just got back a week and half ago from another wedding in Missouri of one of my good friends I grew up with.
Me, Rebekah, and Grace. 

While I was in Missouri, I stayed with my life-long friend, Grace, and her husband, Justin. Grace is in the striped dress in the picture above. She is also pregnant, and due in the beginning of October! It was so much fun talking pregnancy and birthing options with her! She definitely has the pregnant glow about her and is such a joy to be around- I absolutely cannot wait until their little girl arrives! She will be beautiful and treasured by her God-fearing parents. So happy for them :)

Brent and I are ready to be parents. Or, so we think.
We have prepared the nursery. Bought sweet little baby outfits. Established a good supply of cloth diapers. We even have our stroller and car-seat ready!

We are ready to be parents on a material level, but emotional and mental is a whole other story! There is such a responsibility looming in front of us when she arrives. It seems so daunting, to raise a child in this generation that seems so lost and resistant to Christ. Prayers will definitely be desired and sent up on a continual basis!
Though we were not planning on having a child this soon, we are absolutely thrilled to be on this crazy adventure. We are having SO MUCH FUN preparing for Genesis to arrive! December 3rd seems like so far...but in reality it is only 3 1/2 months. I know it will fly by.
When we finally "reveal" the nursery, I hope you enjoy it as much as we've enjoyed putting it together. I think I may have found my new joy...decorating for babies! My belly bump picture gives you a generous peek at the nursery.
I have been crocheting, sewing, and trying to come up with a painting for the room. I needed a good craft project, and now I have several! I should have taken pictures of some of the things I've made, but I'm horrible at getting around to it.
Maybe next time.

Genesis is now 25 1/2 weeks in utero. There are only 14 1/2 weeks left to go! She weighs "approximately" 2lbs, and about 9.2 inches. WHAT???? No wonder my belly doubled in size in the last couple weeks!
She is SO active. Brent and I love to watch my belly wiggle, jump, and pulse as she gets comfortable in there. Sometimes, she goes crazy for a couple minutes and I can't help but wonder what she's doing...having a party? It is so much fun! We can now tell where she is just by palpating my belly. There will be hard, round spots that are always in different areas. It's crazy.
Here is my baby bump shot:
My belly is more pronounced than this, I swear. 

I really do have a noticeable bump now. You can't really see it too much in the photo, but it's there. It is neither high nor's about right dab-smack in the middle (though Genny likes to sit waaaaay down low). The bump is not round like a basket-ball either, but more spread out. All over. 

No pregnancy symptoms either (wait, is gaining weight a symptom?). We are just chillin' out, waiting for the big day!

Best thing about being pregnant? Feeling Genesis move all the time! And baby crafts! Baby girl clothing shopping! The anticipation!

Worst thing? Again with the body issues. Exercise and I are not good friends, as it is becoming harder and harder...I feel lame and wimpy. 

Cravings? None, really. I love my fruit still...and chocolate...cheese...and iced-coffee. But those probably aren't cravings so much as bad eating habits. 

Baby Bump? YES!!! It's there. Honest.

Movements? We've already gone over this...and the answer is a big, fat, whoppin, YES!!!! SO MUCH!

Boy or Girl? (this is getting repetitive) Girly girl. I do have this fear of a surprise on delivery day that she turns out to be a boy. After we have bought the most girly outfits ever. Haha!

What do you miss? Oooooh....going out to eat and ordering a delicious cocktail. The ability to exercise well. But really, not much at this point. I'm not a fan of pregnancy, but it really isn't that bad. I feel like a walking contradiction when I say that though, because at the same time I can hardly wait to not be pregnant. Haha! 

Let me leave you with something cute. Genesis' closet is filling with the most adorable dresses EVER. Brent and I splurged today and bought a few Sunday dresses for her. Oh my goodness. I can't wait. Pictures WILL BE TAKEN ALL THE TIME. Yes, I already know I will be one of "those" Moms. Geez. 
Enjoy :)
Mom sent us the adorable polka-dot dress and cardigan, along with a pink flower headband and frilly white socks! Valentines outfit?

These are only two of the dresses filling her ever-expanding wardrobe. I can't give you tooo much of a cuteness overload. 
Our little girl will wear pink, have lots of headbands and bows, and we will not be ashamed. It's fun to be a girl!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Greater than 1/2?

Can you believe we are PAST the halfway mark already? We are at 22 weeks, so approximately 18 more to go! We have been so busy with work and random stuff that the days fly by...which is surprising, but I'm really not complaining.

No belly picture this week due to the fact that it is 11:42 p.m. and I look it. As in, it looks like I've been up and around since 7:00 a.m., which I have. Usually things don't get better as the night progresses! I would like to add that my pregnant body changes throughout the day. I like it best in the morning because as the day goes by and on into evening it expands. Belly, legs, fingers, and feet. Swelling already? Ah man. I have to remind myself to DRINK WATER. LOTS of it. Lots and lots.

The nursery is coming along beautifully! My friend, Linzi, came over and helped me set up my new sewing machine and taught me how to make curtains and the cutest little onesie dress ever. Now, sewing has become my new favorite hobby! I've been looking at lots of fun baby clothing tutorials online already- I can't wait to do more DIY projects for the baby room!
Sneak peak: these clouds and those piece of fabric will be made into nursery decor. SO excited about them!

The onesie dress Linzi showed me how to make. It needs a bit of ironing, but for my first baby clothing project I think it's just daaaarling. 

We have done fairly well in saving money on the big purchases so far, and hopefully that trend continues. With that, we have begun to dip our toes into the vast pool of cloth diapering. Research is our first hurdle to go over, and at this point there is still so much to learn about this foreign concept! We are not considering cloth diapering for environmental purposes or any other "granola" reason, but rather as a new way to save money- in the long run. It is expensive to start out with if you want quality, efficient, easy-to-use cloth diapers! Yikes! However, from our limited research, it may be worth it. I'll get back to you on that.
Disclaimer: We still plan on using disposable diapers, mostly for trips or extended time spent away from home, when we do not having a cleaning service (a.k.a washing machine) handy.
This is an image of one of the "modern" versions of cloth diapers. Easier to put on and more user and baby-friendly, but a little more difficult to wash/dry as well as being more expensive than your traditional "pre-folds", a.k.a. squares of cloth folded into a diaper and covered with a water-proof cover. 

My baby bump is growing bigger every week! Today, I was trying to put on one of my favorite skirts which needed to button at the top...and I couldn't do it. It was to small. Needless to say, my clothing options are dwindling as time progresses. It is a sad, sad fact. Or a happy one, whichever way you look at it.
Since I only have like 4 months left, it seems so sad to buy new clothes for pregnancy which I won't wear again for quite some time.

Today I broke down and bought a few things, including the most comfortable, flattering pair of maternity jeans EVER. I love them. Dresses are my favorite right now, especially the maxi dresses to cover up my swollen limbs. Who wants to see that? Yikes!

I do believe that this will be my favorite time of pregnancy as a whole. After about 19 weeks, I have slowly regained my energy and motivation to get stuff done! Yippee! I'm working out more, cooking more, doing crafty things (like sewing), and am perhaps less emotional (Brent may be laughing at this point). I see a difference, truly. Some days I don't even feel pregnant at all! Until I look at my meager closet and try to look cute in my pre-pregnancy clothes. Then it hits hard-core. Ah well!

I can still semi-sleep on my belly, which is absolutely wonderful since I am a stomach sleeper. However, sleep has been eluding me the past few weeks. More energy = less sleep. What? Sad, but true. Insomnia is kicking my butt.

Best thing about being pregnant? Still, her movements. Also, having such a fun project to work on as the nursery has become! I love it! Let my interior designer come out! Researching and buying baby products is extensive but a joy to do. It makes having a baby so much more real and relevant!

Worst thing? Body issues. I despise weight gain, but as I've seen so far, it is inevitable. I do hope with all my heart that the second half of my pregnancy is good to me on that aspect! 
Again, the dismay of realizing that more than half of my clothes in my closet are no longer wearable (or well-fitting). But yay for shopping!

Cravings? Unfortunately, cheese is becoming a favorite. I've been trying to get back into eating uber healthy (more veggies, less meat), which means staying away from a lot of carbs and sodium. I feel as if I am always hungry, which I know can be detrimental to my weight gain goal. I've been loading up on fruit and veggies, but sometimes it just doesn't curb my craving for goldfish crackers, cheese, or soft-serve ice-cream. 

Baby Bump? It is official, I now have a bump. Albeit, a little round one. I have expanded all around my waist it seems, instead of just in the front. But she is protruding enough that people have commented on my "little belly"! 

Movements? Every day! She moves most in the early morning (0600-0800) and late evening (10:00-11:00 pm). I can actually see my belly bounce, and her movements are on the right and left side (at the same time)- so I know I'm feeling kicks and punches both! I have no idea what a "roll" feels like, or hiccups for that matter. I suppose I'll give that more time?

Boy or Girl? Girl!

What do you miss? Oh, I think it's the same as my previous posts. Although currently I miss a good sleep. It has been a while since I've slept a complete 8 hours. 4, 5, and sometimes 6 hours are my current sleep-times. Sigh.

Sorry for the lack of pictures!!! I'm such a slacker :) 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Like giddy school-children...

It's been a couple weeks since I last updated, and wow, things have changed!
You saw that we picked out paint for the nursery, right? Well, Brent has out-done himself and painted, found nursery furniture, and organized/set-up the room! It's so fun, and we love to peek in there on occasion.
The furniture is from an ad on Craigslist. It is absolutely beautiful, minimally used, and perfect for our picky taste!
We have our stroller travel system picked out (again, Brent is my super-hero and researched tons of them), and a few knick-knacks to place in the baby room. When we finish it, I will be SURE to post pictures.

My body is continuing to change, and I still feel like I've gained 10-20 lbs. But at our last appointment with the doctor, I was only up 3! YES!!! I have the slightest baby bump, and even though it looks like I ate a big dinner still, I know what it really is- a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bought this prenatal exercise DVD from Amazon and fell in love with it. It has 3 parts, 1 full-workout for each trimester. It uses a resistance band, which I've never worked with before. First time I did the whole 1-hour, I was SO sore. Yikes! I am slowly building my motivation and energy back up, so perhaps I can do this workout more than once a week...

You may be interested in seeing some pictures, yes? Here you go! This is a picture of me taken in the nursery (sneak-peek). See the baby? We are at 19 weeks today.

I've kept the best for last.
Many of you know already, but let me tell the story in a more detailed version.
We had our gender ultrasound this morning! We were very excited (I was nervous as well...for some reason). The moment we saw our tiny babe on the screen, it was love all over again! It grew so much since the last time we saw it- 8 weeks ago! The baby was sitting pretty, with the legs drawn up to the belly (truly, the poor thing looked quite cramped). And the movement!!!! WOW! Active, this one is. VERY. It was such a sweet thing to watch the legs and hands moving/waving. Baby didn't like getting poked and prodded by the ultrasound wand!
Since this was the anatomy scan, they measured everything (heart, brain, kidneys, legs, etc). Everything checked out wonderfully.

We had brought a little card and envelope with us so they could write the gender inside of it, without telling us. We would look at the card later where we could celebrate over coffee :)

The appointment ended, and we left with a well-sealed envelope which contained a juicy secret, and a few pictures of baby T.

We made our way to Barnes and Noble and sat with our Starbucks in the Children's center. The moment of truth had arrived! I was so nervous and super excited! I had a 98% certainty that it was a boy. Since we found out I was pregnant I had that feeling...

This is the results (again taken in our nursery when we got home).


We love our little daughter. So very much. 
However, with the news of having a girl, trepidation set in. Girls are so vulnerable, emotional, and must be handled like precious jewels (with a side of "we must be firm"). How scary. 
On the opposite note, it will be pure joy to welcome into our home everything that comes with little
-and oh-so-fun wardrobe choices!!!

Good thing I've kept this in our "for baby" box in her room:

How adorable is this sleeper? I saw it at Babies-R-Us and couldn't resist. It is so much cuter in person. 

Update on my pregnancy:

Best thing about being pregnant? Being able to see growth (of the baby, that is). Also...dun dun DUN...I feel her moving! She likes to occasionally do a few "tap taps", but there isn't consistent movements at this point. 

Worst thing? Being unable to fit well and comfortably in my cute clothes. I'm a horrible shopper when it comes to clothes for myself. I'm picky and despise ringing up a hefty bill. I love shopping though, don't get me wrong. I need to just pick day and just DO IT!!! Comfy and not-constricting clothes would be so nice...

Cravings? Still love fruit. Adore it. Also, pad Thai. Not kidding about that, I've been wanting it for so long that I caved and made it for dinner tonight. A weird desire I've had is peanut butter and noodles. Together. WHAT??? Don't worry, I've abstained since pasta is not something I want on one of my main food groups, haha! Wait...excuse me. I had peanut butter in my pad Thai. Woops. This was a craving day I guess. :)

Baby Bump? A little one!

Movements? Yes! Just started in the last two weeks. Bumps and tap-taps on occasion. It will be so weird when it is more defined and consistent (it's strange enough already). 

Boy or Girl? Girl!

What do you miss? Cocktails or blue moon. Sigh. I also still miss the motivation and results I had from working out before pregnancy. It will be SO GOOD to get back in the groove after little girlie is born!

Well. That's it for now from the Texas Turpin house-hold!

Monday, June 25, 2012

16/17 weeks

I'm in-between weeks, so here's an in-between post!

It is 10:00pm at night. Brent and I are wide awake and are going grocery shopping as soon at the Arkansas Razorbacks baseball game is finished (he is a MOST dedicated fan). We are such night owls! The other day he told me we should make a pact to never work night-shift again whenever we move somewhere else. I wholeheartedly agree, as this sleep-all-day-after-work then be up-all-night cycle is for the birds.
A big piece of
Well, it's in two parts.
1) We sold the bed my sister and brother-in-law gave us when they moved! It had been occupying our guest bedroom (soon to be nursery) and we had no other choice but to sell it. Now that it is gone, nursery creation may commence!
2) We bought our first piece of nursery furniture! A glider! It was sold online at many different stores, but the cheapest we found it was at Walmart. Normally, I like to stay away from Walmart as I tend to think their stuff is not the best quality...but we could not pass up this deal, and it had great reviews!
Why is the picture fuzzy? Hm. 

The chair will come next week. I can't wait to sit in it, but we will probably keep it in the box until we are ready to set it up. 

Brent cleared out the room of old boxes and random storage stuff, so we took a trip to Lowes and picked out paint swatches for one of the walls! In order to fit with the theme of the nursery, we were looking for a turquoise type blue, and these were the two we came up with  (the middle colors of each swatch). 

This picture makes the colors seem a bit darker than they really are. The one we most liked is "Exotic Sea", which is the top middle one. But no, our theme is not aquatic ;) 
Today we checked our mailbox at the end of the street and came back with a fun little box from baby Turpin's Aunt Carolanne (my sister-in-law)!!! Brent was thrilled with the Razorback baby gear- isn't that onesie super cute? The books are absolutely beautiful, she said they were her favorite as a kid- and I can understand why! They will be a treasured part of the library! Thank you, Carolanne!
I think that I am most excited about beginning Baby T's wardrobe. Seriously, in two weeks I will have the freedom to choose gender-specific clothing, and I AM SO EXCITED!!!! It's like dress-up, but for real. We already have a few neutral clothing items, like booties and a few 6-month onesies...but I did manage to pick up a freakin-adorable footie play/sleeper that is awfully girly. They only had it preemie size at Babies-R-Us, so I picked it up online. If we don't have a girl, then I will have to give it away! 

Well, that is all so far. We have a Doctors appointment this Thursday, so I plan on doing the 17-week update then! However, we will also be celebrating Brent's birthday (one day early), so we shall see if I can get around to it. 
Until then, adios!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Well, we have almost hit the 16 week mark- hallelujah! Time is a-flyin (how many times will I say that between now and birth). Nothing baby-related has really occurred, other than the baby is finally moving out of my pelvis! Showing your tiny self, aye babe?
Well, not really showing as my "bump" is still non-existent, but should be any week now! I know I sound excited, but in reality I really am not (except for the fact that I will get to shop for maternity-yay, new clothes!). The biggest challenge for me is recognizing the fact that my body is changing, and in my mind, not for the better! Talk about feeling like a fatty mcfatterson. T-shirt and shorts/yoga pants are my frequent wardrobe choice, and I am sooo thankful for the fact that I can wear scrubs at work. Dressing up is becoming a challenge because I don't feel good in my pretty clothes anymore :( Yuck.

I am not even close to being this big...can't wait. haha. ha. 

However, nothing brightens a moody mood than a trip to the mall with Brent! He picked out a sweet dress from Express for me (pic next week), and on an earlier shopping trip I bought the cutest Maxi dress at Target, which will be just daaaaaarling with a baby bump. I can't wait to wear it "officially". I wore it around the house the first day I bought it just because I loved the way it felt.
Also, for those who are wondering what to buy women who just announced they are Pregnant...Victoria's Secret gift card. No joke. There is nothing worse than digging in the back of your "drawer" past all the pretty things and pulling out the "wait I still HAVE this???" items. Yikes. It was the semi-annual sale this week by the way...anyone hit it up? I didn't sadly, in fact I got my shopping in a week early. Crap.

Alright, let me talk about my rising uterus. It happens to show itself most frequently when I wake up from a good sleep and have a full bladder. I can feel the top portion (ahem..fundus) of it, and reminds me of a semi-squishy baseball. Brent has felt it too which is super fun! It sits on the left side of my tummy at this point and I truly hope the little guy starts evening himself out as he grows- I'd rather not have a lop-sided belly as that could be awkward and disturbing.
No movement yet! I am not really planning on feeling anything until about week 20 or so, perhaps later.
I've been obsessed with pregnancy/baby/mommy blogs. Here are two of my ultimate favorites! I started at the very beginning of each one and read until the currents posts. I have been an avid reader.

PROJECT: Babies. This one reminds me of my sister, Amanda. This mid-20's woman is a beautiful, ultra-fashionable, and adventurous new mom to an equally as fashionable and beautiful little girl. This girl (Kristin) is a product junkie and reviews so many neat baby and mother products- which I love! Amanda, you will be JUST like her, I know it.

Little Baby Garvin. This one is just cute. A young girl like me (you will notice I stole many of her ideas on her shame), with a new daughter. Again, a fashionista!

I have enjoyed reading birth stories as well, but often when they are emotionally gripping I will be bawling my little eyes out. I must admit, I love a good tear-jerker (only the happy ones).

I can't WAIT to show you all what I have bought so far for the little babe! Also...Fathers Day is around the corner- woohoo (bummer we both have to work...sigh)!

Ideas for the  nursery are in full swing, but have yet to come to fruition. Not until after July 9th! We must know what we are having first! That time will be here before we know it...and I'm trying to come up with a creative way to announce it to you all :)
This is a special time for us, and want to share the special wealth in fun ways to our dear family and friends who are not near to us!
Thank you especially to my family and Parent-in-laws with their sweet words of encouragement, excitement, and curiosity into how I'm feeling, that makes so much of a difference to my mood every day- truly!
Stay-tuned for after the weekend updates! I have so much to show you!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

-14 weeks and counting!!-

It's hard to believe we are already in to the 2nd trimester! YES!!!! I feel immensely blessed, having skipped the traditional morning sickness and simply had to fight off being tired constantly. If time keeps going as fast as it has been, we will have a baby here quick as a wink!

Summer is well underway here in Texas and has been blistering hot (98 degrees yesterday!), but thankfully the humidity is pretty much non-existent. I do not miss Missouri. Except for the bodies of water. And the pool at our old apartment. Oh, the pool....

Anywho- on to bigger and better things (it is Texas, afterall). Speaking of better things and on more of a "baby-note", we had our monthly check-up with the doc last week and it went great! Truly, for not being high-risk I don't really get the point of them...It was the quickest appointment ever! Checked my fundus (right on track!) and heard the sweet sound of baby Turpin's little heart beating away fast and strong. That was a highlight :)

I have already bought a few clothes and the shoes you saw in our announcement picture...I am in love with baby stuff. Planning the nursery will be so much fun, and I will have the help of my good friend, Linzi, so double the bonus! :)

What is the best thing about being pregnant? Still, the anticipation :)

The worst thing? Sleepiness!!! Also, the stage of feeling your body change but no baby-bump. Come on, already!

Cravings? Fruit. We have watermelon, pineapple, apples, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, and juice! Yogurt is quickly becoming a favorite too. 

Is there a baby bump? Still, no.

Boy or Girl? Find out in a month..

What do you miss? Hard-core workouts, and the occasional glass of wine. 

..::11 Weeks::..

I'm rewinding just a bit and going back a few weeks:

We had our first ultrasound at 11 weeks...that experience is something I will never forget! Up until then, we felt as if we were "playing pretend"- especially since I was having no symptoms (besides being sleepy 24/7). There was the normal trepidation going in to the appointment from both of us, but the moment we saw our little babe pop up on the screen it became real. Surreal, rather. Such a little one! It was "jumping" up and down on occasion and moving it's tiny little hands. The ultrasound pictures do not do it close justice- the detail was better on the live screen :)
We cannot WAIT until our next appointment in July...when we see our babe for the 2nd time AND find out whether we are continuing the Turpin tradition of having boys or exploring a new world of tutu's, music, and flowers with a girl!

Here are 2 of our pictures of baby Turpin:
The ultrasound tech said our baby was measuring almost a whole week ahead!!!! We are still keeping December 3rd as our due date...but if the babe comes early, that would be juuuuust fine ;)

Our little turtle:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A "Positive" Beginning

On March 30th, I came home from work with a strange feeling. Something was "up" but I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was, though I had a guess.
 I went straight to the bathroom with a nervous knot in my stomach, pee'd on a stick and the rest was history!
We were shocked, scared, and excited for a new experience. It was a whole tornado of emotions!

But now, time has quickly advanced and- can you believe it- we are 13 weeks pregnant! We've had a few appointments with the doc and one ultrasound.

Oh, happy day. The Lord is blessing our little family more than we ever needed or hoped for. I hope you can join us in this new journey as the ups and downs of pregnancy display themselves, and we begin preparing to be PARENTS!!!! Advice and encouragement highly accepted, we are so new to this and perhaps a bit unprepared :)

First things first, one of my favorite things I hope to continue until the babe is born: Pregnancy week questions!
p.s. I will post pictures as soon as I can :)

What is the best thing about being pregnant? Oooooh, I don't know...perhaps that we have something so great to look forward too! The anticipation!

The worst thing? Being tired aallll-the-tiiiiime. I could honestly nap all day. I'm such a slacker right now.

Cravings? I wouldn't say they are cravings, and they change a lot...but I adore fruit right now, goldfish crackers, and snow-cones...yummy. A couple weeks ago I was dying for some chicken I went to the golden arches and satiated my hunger along with reminding myself of WHY I don't like fast-food...Gross! Happy to say I haven't wanted them since.

Is there a baby bump? Eh, no not really. The baby is so low right now it will probably we a while until I get a true "bump" that doesn't look like I ate too many goldfish crackers.

Boy or Girl? We both were thinking it's a boy (I was 100% sure for a while), but now...I'm in limbo. We find out July 9th!

What do you miss? My energy and motivation to work out. Seriously, the moment I found out I was pregnant I have ZERO interest in going to the gym- and before that I was doing sooo good and was loving it! What the heck?

Stay tuned for pictures and more updates each week!