Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Greater than 1/2?

Can you believe we are PAST the halfway mark already? We are at 22 weeks, so approximately 18 more to go! We have been so busy with work and random stuff that the days fly by...which is surprising, but I'm really not complaining.

No belly picture this week due to the fact that it is 11:42 p.m. and I look it. As in, it looks like I've been up and around since 7:00 a.m., which I have. Usually things don't get better as the night progresses! I would like to add that my pregnant body changes throughout the day. I like it best in the morning because as the day goes by and on into evening it expands. Belly, legs, fingers, and feet. Swelling already? Ah man. I have to remind myself to DRINK WATER. LOTS of it. Lots and lots.

The nursery is coming along beautifully! My friend, Linzi, came over and helped me set up my new sewing machine and taught me how to make curtains and the cutest little onesie dress ever. Now, sewing has become my new favorite hobby! I've been looking at lots of fun baby clothing tutorials online already- I can't wait to do more DIY projects for the baby room!
Sneak peak: these clouds and those piece of fabric will be made into nursery decor. SO excited about them!

The onesie dress Linzi showed me how to make. It needs a bit of ironing, but for my first baby clothing project I think it's just daaaarling. 

We have done fairly well in saving money on the big purchases so far, and hopefully that trend continues. With that, we have begun to dip our toes into the vast pool of cloth diapering. Research is our first hurdle to go over, and at this point there is still so much to learn about this foreign concept! We are not considering cloth diapering for environmental purposes or any other "granola" reason, but rather as a new way to save money- in the long run. It is expensive to start out with if you want quality, efficient, easy-to-use cloth diapers! Yikes! However, from our limited research, it may be worth it. I'll get back to you on that.
Disclaimer: We still plan on using disposable diapers, mostly for trips or extended time spent away from home, when we do not having a cleaning service (a.k.a washing machine) handy.
This is an image of one of the "modern" versions of cloth diapers. Easier to put on and more user and baby-friendly, but a little more difficult to wash/dry as well as being more expensive than your traditional "pre-folds", a.k.a. squares of cloth folded into a diaper and covered with a water-proof cover. 

My baby bump is growing bigger every week! Today, I was trying to put on one of my favorite skirts which needed to button at the top...and I couldn't do it. It was to small. Needless to say, my clothing options are dwindling as time progresses. It is a sad, sad fact. Or a happy one, whichever way you look at it.
Since I only have like 4 months left, it seems so sad to buy new clothes for pregnancy which I won't wear again for quite some time.

Today I broke down and bought a few things, including the most comfortable, flattering pair of maternity jeans EVER. I love them. Dresses are my favorite right now, especially the maxi dresses to cover up my swollen limbs. Who wants to see that? Yikes!

I do believe that this will be my favorite time of pregnancy as a whole. After about 19 weeks, I have slowly regained my energy and motivation to get stuff done! Yippee! I'm working out more, cooking more, doing crafty things (like sewing), and am perhaps less emotional (Brent may be laughing at this point). I see a difference, truly. Some days I don't even feel pregnant at all! Until I look at my meager closet and try to look cute in my pre-pregnancy clothes. Then it hits hard-core. Ah well!

I can still semi-sleep on my belly, which is absolutely wonderful since I am a stomach sleeper. However, sleep has been eluding me the past few weeks. More energy = less sleep. What? Sad, but true. Insomnia is kicking my butt.

Best thing about being pregnant? Still, her movements. Also, having such a fun project to work on as the nursery has become! I love it! Let my interior designer come out! Researching and buying baby products is extensive but a joy to do. It makes having a baby so much more real and relevant!

Worst thing? Body issues. I despise weight gain, but as I've seen so far, it is inevitable. I do hope with all my heart that the second half of my pregnancy is good to me on that aspect! 
Again, the dismay of realizing that more than half of my clothes in my closet are no longer wearable (or well-fitting). But yay for shopping!

Cravings? Unfortunately, cheese is becoming a favorite. I've been trying to get back into eating uber healthy (more veggies, less meat), which means staying away from a lot of carbs and sodium. I feel as if I am always hungry, which I know can be detrimental to my weight gain goal. I've been loading up on fruit and veggies, but sometimes it just doesn't curb my craving for goldfish crackers, cheese, or soft-serve ice-cream. 

Baby Bump? It is official, I now have a bump. Albeit, a little round one. I have expanded all around my waist it seems, instead of just in the front. But she is protruding enough that people have commented on my "little belly"! 

Movements? Every day! She moves most in the early morning (0600-0800) and late evening (10:00-11:00 pm). I can actually see my belly bounce, and her movements are on the right and left side (at the same time)- so I know I'm feeling kicks and punches both! I have no idea what a "roll" feels like, or hiccups for that matter. I suppose I'll give that more time?

Boy or Girl? Girl!

What do you miss? Oh, I think it's the same as my previous posts. Although currently I miss a good sleep. It has been a while since I've slept a complete 8 hours. 4, 5, and sometimes 6 hours are my current sleep-times. Sigh.

Sorry for the lack of pictures!!! I'm such a slacker :) 

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